Back Results for: Faculty
Pioneering lunar scientist awarded emeritus status

Pioneering lunar scientist awarded emeritus status

Pluto May Have Captured Its Biggest Moon After an Ancient Dance and Kiss

Pluto May Have Captured Its Biggest Moon After an Ancient Dance and Kiss

NASA’s Juno Mission Uncovers Heart of Jovian Moon’s Volcanic Rage

NASA’s Juno Mission Uncovers Heart of Jovian Moon’s Volcanic Rage

Bhupal Dev awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship

Bhupal Dev awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship

Wash U Astrophysicist says advancements from space station research are 'hard to grasp'

Wash U Astrophysicist says advancements from space station research are 'hard to grasp'

Geology team evaluates lunar landing locations

Geology team evaluates lunar landing locations

Bridges to the Moon

Bridges to the Moon

What is the solar maximum?

What is the solar maximum?

What makes an exoplanet a sub-Neptune?

What makes an exoplanet a sub-Neptune?

A high-tech way to track an age-old problem

A high-tech way to track an age-old problem

Fire & Ice

Fire & Ice

NASA mission will determine if a moon of Jupiter can sustain life

NASA mission will determine if a moon of Jupiter can sustain life

Solar System: volcano worlds

Solar System: volcano worlds

WashU professor talks about New Madrid seismic zone

WashU professor talks about New Madrid seismic zone

NASA balloons study atmosphere and cosmos

NASA balloons study atmosphere and cosmos

EEPS Research Roundup: 2023 - 2024

EEPS Research Roundup: 2023 - 2024

Europa Clipper launch was 'mind-bogglingly intense' says Wash U Professor

Europa Clipper launch was 'mind-bogglingly intense' says Wash U Professor

NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launches

NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launches

Europa is an icy ocean world—and NASA is finally going to explore it

Europa is an icy ocean world—and NASA is finally going to explore it

Using drone imagery to help the slow loris

Using drone imagery to help the slow loris

WashU-led team launches space mission with quantum sensor technology

WashU-led team launches space mission with quantum sensor technology

NASA’s Europa Clipper prepares for launch

NASA’s Europa Clipper prepares for launch

Recognizing outstanding faculty and staff

Recognizing outstanding faculty and staff

A giant hole in Siberia is visible from space and growing rapidly. It might reveal hints about our planet's future

A giant hole in Siberia is visible from space and growing rapidly. It might reveal hints about our planet's future

Field Notes: South Pacific

Field Notes: South Pacific

Deciphering the mysteries of planetary formation

Deciphering the mysteries of planetary formation

Can We Burn Uranus? Dead Planets Society Podcast

Can We Burn Uranus? Dead Planets Society Podcast

Is Mercury retrograde messing with you? Think again.

Is Mercury retrograde messing with you? Think again.

Shooting for the Moon

Shooting for the Moon

Perseid meteor shower hits its peak

Perseid meteor shower hits its peak

Ancient grains of dust from space can be found on Earth − and provide clues about the life cycle of stars

Ancient grains of dust from space can be found on Earth − and provide clues about the life cycle of stars

Chang'e 6 brought rocks from the far side of the Moon back to Earth − a planetary scientist explains what this sample could hold

Chang'e 6 brought rocks from the far side of the Moon back to Earth − a planetary scientist explains what this sample could hold

WRANGL3R: Rover-mounted drill sensor for water resource survey on the Moon

WRANGL3R: Rover-mounted drill sensor for water resource survey on the Moon

Best minds in space exploration converge on St. Louis as Washington University helps fuel Artemis 3 moon mission

Best minds in space exploration converge on St. Louis as Washington University helps fuel Artemis 3 moon mission

From Apollo to Artemis: unlocking the Moon's secrets

From Apollo to Artemis: unlocking the Moon's secrets

Active volcanoes may be common on Venus

Active volcanoes may be common on Venus

Balloon mission measures X-rays en route from Arctic Sweden to northern Canada

Balloon mission measures X-rays en route from Arctic Sweden to northern Canada

XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes

XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes

Moon ‘swirls’ could be magnetized by unseen magmas

Moon ‘swirls’ could be magnetized by unseen magmas

Surprising phosphate finding in asteroid sample

Surprising phosphate finding in asteroid sample

China Makes History with First-Ever Samples from the Moon’s Far Side

China Makes History with First-Ever Samples from the Moon’s Far Side

Scorching temperatures persist as heat wave expands, with record-breaking temperatures expected across U.S.

Scorching temperatures persist as heat wave expands, with record-breaking temperatures expected across U.S.

Nowak named Associate Director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences

Nowak named Associate Director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences

What does a meteorite taste like? Someone found out and bottled it.

What does a meteorite taste like? Someone found out and bottled it.

Breaking the cold barrier: searching for the nature of dark matter with new dilution refrigerator

Breaking the cold barrier: searching for the nature of dark matter with new dilution refrigerator

Uncovering new worlds with Professor Tansu Daylan

Uncovering new worlds with Professor Tansu Daylan

Venus UnXplained

Venus UnXplained

Rivers of lava on Venus reveal a more volcanically active planet

Rivers of lava on Venus reveal a more volcanically active planet

Earth’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is growing

Earth’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is growing

WashU theorists help advance nuclear physics research at DOE facility

WashU theorists help advance nuclear physics research at DOE facility

Venus Might Still Have Active Volcanoes, as Recent Lava Flows Suggest ‘Ongoing’ Eruptions

Venus Might Still Have Active Volcanoes, as Recent Lava Flows Suggest ‘Ongoing’ Eruptions

XL-Calibur telescope set for balloon flight from Arctic Circle

XL-Calibur telescope set for balloon flight from Arctic Circle

Peering into Pluto's ocean

Peering into Pluto's ocean

   Okawa selected for URA fellowship at Fermilab

Okawa selected for URA fellowship at Fermilab

China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next?

China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next?

Mars may have been more Earth-like than we thought, discovery of oxygen-rich rocks reveals

Mars may have been more Earth-like than we thought, discovery of oxygen-rich rocks reveals

Astronomers share climate-friendly meeting solutions

Astronomers share climate-friendly meeting solutions

Saturn’s moon Mimas may be hiding a vast global ocean under its ice

Saturn’s moon Mimas may be hiding a vast global ocean under its ice

Our picture of habitability on Europa, a top contender for hosting life, is changing

Our picture of habitability on Europa, a top contender for hosting life, is changing

Antarctic ice shelf the size of France suddenly JUMPS twice a day - and scientists warn it could trigger a devastating icequake

Antarctic ice shelf the size of France suddenly JUMPS twice a day - and scientists warn it could trigger a devastating icequake

Venus Exploration Remains Key To Understanding Exo-Earths, Says Paper

Venus Exploration Remains Key To Understanding Exo-Earths, Says Paper

TGI-funded Project Uses Geospatial Tech to Study Permafrost, Plants, and Wildfire

TGI-funded Project Uses Geospatial Tech to Study Permafrost, Plants, and Wildfire

WashU alum leads a recently deployed NASA mission to detect gamma-rays from cosmic explosions

WashU alum leads a recently deployed NASA mission to detect gamma-rays from cosmic explosions

Celebrating faculty retirements

Celebrating faculty retirements

NASA’s Artemis astronauts will help grow crops on the Moon—and much more

NASA’s Artemis astronauts will help grow crops on the Moon—and much more

Our Galaxy’s biggest black hole just got a new close-up

Our Galaxy’s biggest black hole just got a new close-up

Unlocking the secrets of the Universe

Unlocking the secrets of the Universe

WashU to manage data for instrument on Artemis moon mission

WashU to manage data for instrument on Artemis moon mission

WashU Expert: Tremor a reminder that East Coast, Midwest earthquake threat is real

WashU Expert: Tremor a reminder that East Coast, Midwest earthquake threat is real

Finding the Story in the Stones

Finding the Story in the Stones

What will St. Louis see during Monday’s solar eclipse?

What will St. Louis see during Monday’s solar eclipse?

Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have a habitable ocean, or not?

Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have a habitable ocean, or not?

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

St. Louis scientists nab $3 million to further moon exploration research

St. Louis scientists nab $3 million to further moon exploration research

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

Pacific rock samples offer a glimpse of an active Earth 2.5 billion years ago

Pacific rock samples offer a glimpse of an active Earth 2.5 billion years ago

NASA grant helps WashU scientists develop tech for lunar research

NASA grant helps WashU scientists develop tech for lunar research

Cosmochemistry: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Cosmochemistry: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Dr. Daylan teaches how exoplanets are discovered and characterized

Dr. Daylan teaches how exoplanets are discovered and characterized

Piarulli promoted with tenure

Piarulli promoted with tenure

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Krawczynski installed as Wilfred R. and Ann Lee Konneker Distinguished Professor of Physics

Krawczynski installed as Wilfred R. and Ann Lee Konneker Distinguished Professor of Physics

With NASA support, device for future lunar mission being developed at WashU

With NASA support, device for future lunar mission being developed at WashU

NASA and Russian satellites just miss in ‘too close for comfort’ pass

NASA and Russian satellites just miss in ‘too close for comfort’ pass

Finding new physics in debris from colliding neutron stars

Finding new physics in debris from colliding neutron stars

Parai and Byrne granted tenure

Parai and Byrne granted tenure

The “Nested Doll” Nucleus Nitrogen-9 Stretches the Definition of a Nucleus to the Limit

The “Nested Doll” Nucleus Nitrogen-9 Stretches the Definition of a Nucleus to the Limit

Dr. Ferrer explains the eclipse that made Einstein famous

Dr. Ferrer explains the eclipse that made Einstein famous

Still need eclipse plans? You can see it from the sky on this Southwest flight

Still need eclipse plans? You can see it from the sky on this Southwest flight

Master Minds Podcast interviews Professor Mark Alford

Master Minds Podcast interviews Professor Mark Alford

Saturday Scholars

Saturday Scholars

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

The ties that bind

The ties that bind

How solar eclipses have shaped civilizations throughout history

How solar eclipses have shaped civilizations throughout history

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

SuperTIGER Rescue Rangers return to the ice

SuperTIGER Rescue Rangers return to the ice

Searching for dark matter

Searching for dark matter

Eighteen Years After Stardust Mission, the Solar System’s wild past becomes clearer

Eighteen Years After Stardust Mission, the Solar System’s wild past becomes clearer

Scientists and space agencies are shooting for the Moon – 5 essential reads on modern lunar missions

Scientists and space agencies are shooting for the Moon – 5 essential reads on modern lunar missions

Good turnout at the Graduate School and REU Fair

Good turnout at the Graduate School and REU Fair

2023 was the second-warmest year on record in St. Louis. Here’s what that means

2023 was the second-warmest year on record in St. Louis. Here’s what that means

Samples from a Wild comet reveal a surprising past

Samples from a Wild comet reveal a surprising past



Should we send humans to Venus?

Should we send humans to Venus?

Asteroid Bennu samples have arrived on campus for analysis

Asteroid Bennu samples have arrived on campus for analysis

Preparing for a Leap

Preparing for a Leap

Rare Six-Planet Star System Discovered in Milky Way

Rare Six-Planet Star System Discovered in Milky Way

Growers say droughts damaged real Christmas trees

Growers say droughts damaged real Christmas trees

Could 2023 be the hottest year on record? The outlook for climate tipping points and catastrophes

Could 2023 be the hottest year on record? The outlook for climate tipping points and catastrophes

Can a private space mission pierce Venus's clouds?

Can a private space mission pierce Venus's clouds?

Teraelectronvolt Astrophysics of Relativistic Jets

Teraelectronvolt Astrophysics of Relativistic Jets

Trick-or-treating at Venus

Trick-or-treating at Venus

Study links changes in global water cycle to higher temperatures

Study links changes in global water cycle to higher temperatures

Bradley Jolliff: “We’ll develop the surface science plan for the Artemis III mission“

Bradley Jolliff: “We’ll develop the surface science plan for the Artemis III mission“

Strong evidence found for new light isotope of nitrogen

Strong evidence found for new light isotope of nitrogen

New global topographic map unveils unique distortions on Enceladus

New global topographic map unveils unique distortions on Enceladus

Asteroid analyses by WashU researchers featured on journal cover

Asteroid analyses by WashU researchers featured on journal cover

Samples from asteroid Bennu contain the key ingredients of life

Samples from asteroid Bennu contain the key ingredients of life

Graduate students recognized for research excellence

Graduate students recognized for research excellence

Exploring stellar hydrogen burning via muons and nuclei

Exploring stellar hydrogen burning via muons and nuclei

NASA's Psyche mission will explore a metal-rich asteroid. Here's why

NASA's Psyche mission will explore a metal-rich asteroid. Here's why

The story of Earth's atmosphere

The story of Earth's atmosphere

Io is a Volcanic hellscape of fire and ice: Let's go explore it

Io is a Volcanic hellscape of fire and ice: Let's go explore it

in:SPACE Influencer Paul Byrne

in:SPACE Influencer Paul Byrne

Tyson observatory is WashU’s dark sky site

Tyson observatory is WashU’s dark sky site

Is it possible to turn Venus from boiling hellscape to liveable world?

Is it possible to turn Venus from boiling hellscape to liveable world?

From Missouri to Mars: WashU alum engineers career in space research

From Missouri to Mars: WashU alum engineers career in space research

Chandrayaan-3’s measurements of sulfur open the doors for lunar science and exploration

Chandrayaan-3’s measurements of sulfur open the doors for lunar science and exploration

Chen and Yuan win NSF grant to simulate pulsars at WashU

Chen and Yuan win NSF grant to simulate pulsars at WashU

Flashes in Venus’ atmosphere might be meteors, not lightning

Flashes in Venus’ atmosphere might be meteors, not lightning

Physicist Yuan joins Simons collaboration on extreme electrodynamics

Physicist Yuan joins Simons collaboration on extreme electrodynamics

In 15 Years, We Might Put Messi On The Moon — But Should We?

In 15 Years, We Might Put Messi On The Moon — But Should We?

Pacific Puzzles: How El Niño and La Niña Are Changing Their Dance

Pacific Puzzles: How El Niño and La Niña Are Changing Their Dance

NASA selects geology team for the first crewed Artemis landing

NASA selects geology team for the first crewed Artemis landing

Environmental Science: It’s a Summer of Record-Breaking Heat With More Dangerously Hot Summers Ahead From Global Warming

Environmental Science: It’s a Summer of Record-Breaking Heat With More Dangerously Hot Summers Ahead From Global Warming

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

Ogliore and Wang selected as members of the Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team

Ogliore and Wang selected as members of the Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team

NASA partnership is 'a jewel in WashU's crown'

NASA partnership is 'a jewel in WashU's crown'

Jolliff selected for geology team for lunar landing mission

Jolliff selected for geology team for lunar landing mission

Study: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

Study: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

Scientists find possible evidence of ancient giant volcano on the moon

Scientists find possible evidence of ancient giant volcano on the moon

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

Right now 2 nations are racing to the moon to land at the south pole

Right now 2 nations are racing to the moon to land at the south pole

Is it possible to kill the sun?

Is it possible to kill the sun?

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

Russia’s return to the Moon with Luna-25

Russia’s return to the Moon with Luna-25

4 factors driving 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

4 factors driving 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

Sohee Chun wins NASA FINESST grant

Sohee Chun wins NASA FINESST grant

Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT) science team

Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT) science team

Granite likely lurks beneath the moon’s surface

Granite likely lurks beneath the moon’s surface

XL-Calibur telescope to fly again in 2024

XL-Calibur telescope to fly again in 2024

Scientists Have Found a Hot Spot on the Moon’s Far Side

Scientists Have Found a Hot Spot on the Moon’s Far Side

Chen has joined the tenure track

Chen has joined the tenure track

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Roving with Perseverance

Roving with Perseverance

Radar can help fight wildfires, identify flash-flood risks

Radar can help fight wildfires, identify flash-flood risks

Ogliore promoted with tenure

Ogliore promoted with tenure

Is Earth the only planet with lightning?

Is Earth the only planet with lightning?

Flooding and Erosion from Climate Change, Shifting Rivers and Changing Landscapes

Flooding and Erosion from Climate Change, Shifting Rivers and Changing Landscapes

Squeezing rocks for science

Squeezing rocks for science

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

TRIADS announces recipients of seed grant funding

TRIADS announces recipients of seed grant funding

Physicist Daylan selected for NASA open-science effort

Physicist Daylan selected for NASA open-science effort

Jolliff shares next steps in returning people to the Moon

Jolliff shares next steps in returning people to the Moon

Volcanoes on Venus … Wow! New map here

Volcanoes on Venus … Wow! New map here

NASA’s Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time

NASA’s Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

Scientists Spot Recent Volcanic Activity on Venus

Scientists Spot Recent Volcanic Activity on Venus

Venus is volcanically alive, stunning new find shows

Venus is volcanically alive, stunning new find shows

Midwest Climate Summit allows student volunteers to learn from climate leaders

Midwest Climate Summit allows student volunteers to learn from climate leaders

Everything you want to know about spy balloons, or any balloon, in the sky

Everything you want to know about spy balloons, or any balloon, in the sky

Celebrating 170 years: an Apollo 17 connection

Celebrating 170 years: an Apollo 17 connection

Study quantifies global impact of electricity in dust storms on Mars

Study quantifies global impact of electricity in dust storms on Mars

Washington University scientists to probe space for origins of matter

Washington University scientists to probe space for origins of matter

Does This Mineral Indicate Oxygen on Mars?

Does This Mineral Indicate Oxygen on Mars?

2023 predictions from Mike Nowak

2023 predictions from Mike Nowak

WashU Expert: 2023 will be the year of the battery

WashU Expert: 2023 will be the year of the battery

Formation of manganese oxides on early Mars

Formation of manganese oxides on early Mars

Spider launches from Antarctica

Spider launches from Antarctica

Science research roundup: November and December 2022

Science research roundup: November and December 2022

Back to Antarctica with SPIDER

Back to Antarctica with SPIDER

The solar system's strangest objects are unlocking its history

The solar system's strangest objects are unlocking its history

Physicists awarded DOE supercomputing time for ‘high-impact’ projects

Physicists awarded DOE supercomputing time for ‘high-impact’ projects

Physicist Errando helps NASA solve black hole jet mystery

Physicist Errando helps NASA solve black hole jet mystery

Fall 2022 Earth and Planetary Sciences Alumni Newsletter

Fall 2022 Earth and Planetary Sciences Alumni Newsletter

Artemis launch returns U.S. to the moon - Jolliff interview on PRI/The World

Artemis launch returns U.S. to the moon - Jolliff interview on PRI/The World

McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Polarized X-rays reveal shape, orientation of extremely hot matter around black hole

Polarized X-rays reveal shape, orientation of extremely hot matter around black hole

Scientific ballooning is not for the faint of heart

Scientific ballooning is not for the faint of heart

Venus balloon prototype aces test flights

Venus balloon prototype aces test flights

Science research roundup: September 2022

Science research roundup: September 2022

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Studying how climate change shapes floods and river landscapes

Studying how climate change shapes floods and river landscapes

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

Washington University in St. Louis Celebrates Raymond E. Arvidson’s 50 Years of Mars Exploration

Washington University in St. Louis Celebrates Raymond E. Arvidson’s 50 Years of Mars Exploration

Space Station Experiment To Probe Origins of Elements

Space Station Experiment To Probe Origins of Elements

Exploring Mars, 50 years and counting

Exploring Mars, 50 years and counting

TIGERISS roars toward space station spot

TIGERISS roars toward space station spot

WashU Expert: Artemis launch brings us closer to space exploration goals

WashU Expert: Artemis launch brings us closer to space exploration goals

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

NASA Has Plans to Probe Uranus

NASA Has Plans to Probe Uranus

Earth’s Lower Mantle Is Drier Than Previously Thought

Earth’s Lower Mantle Is Drier Than Previously Thought

How balloons could one day detect quakes on Venus

How balloons could one day detect quakes on Venus

Ogliore discusses Webb telescope images

Ogliore discusses Webb telescope images

Historic rainfall in St. Louis raises questions about flooding and climate change

Historic rainfall in St. Louis raises questions about flooding and climate change

NASA releases Webb telescope photos, deepest space photos in history

NASA releases Webb telescope photos, deepest space photos in history

New leadership for physics department

New leadership for physics department

Geoscientists to study structure and properties of Antarctic lithosphere

Geoscientists to study structure and properties of Antarctic lithosphere

Ancient micrometeoroids carried specks of stardust, water to asteroid 4 Vesta

Ancient micrometeoroids carried specks of stardust, water to asteroid 4 Vesta

Distance learning: Planetary scientist Paul Byrne explains why you should be impressed by the James Webb Space Telescope

Distance learning: Planetary scientist Paul Byrne explains why you should be impressed by the James Webb Space Telescope

Asteroid samples offer chance to study chemically pristine solar system materials

Asteroid samples offer chance to study chemically pristine solar system materials

Science research roundup: May 2022

Science research roundup: May 2022

Shooting for the Moon! The next step is with Artemis Missions

Shooting for the Moon! The next step is with Artemis Missions

Asteroid samples offer insights into solar system evolution

Asteroid samples offer insights into solar system evolution

Dev to study mysterious particles at Fermilab

Dev to study mysterious particles at Fermilab

March 2022 e-newsletter available now

March 2022 e-newsletter available now

NASA waited 50 years to unseal these precious moon rocks

NASA waited 50 years to unseal these precious moon rocks

NASA studies ‘new’ 50-year-old lunar sample to prep for return to Moon

NASA studies ‘new’ 50-year-old lunar sample to prep for return to Moon

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Krawczynski promoted to associate professor

Krawczynski promoted to associate professor

Pastore Promoted

Pastore Promoted

WashU scientists help recover gases from Moon rock time capsule

WashU scientists help recover gases from Moon rock time capsule

Seismic study reveals key reason why Patagonia is rising as glaciers melt

Seismic study reveals key reason why Patagonia is rising as glaciers melt

Science research roundup: February 2022

Science research roundup: February 2022

UPI: Perseverance rover’s second year on Mars to focus on rock samples, river delta

UPI: Perseverance rover’s second year on Mars to focus on rock samples, river delta

The challenge of our century

The challenge of our century

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Slow and not so steady: Glaciers, ice sheets, and sea level rise (video)

Slow and not so steady: Glaciers, ice sheets, and sea level rise (video)

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

Rooted in St. Louis: ‘Dirt’ is a dirty word

Rooted in St. Louis: ‘Dirt’ is a dirty word

BBC News: Paul Byrne on launch of James Webb Space Telescope (video)

BBC News: Paul Byrne on launch of James Webb Space Telescope (video)

Master Minds: Mission to Mars, Venus and the Moon

Master Minds: Mission to Mars, Venus and the Moon

Volatile bodies: Isotopic fingerprints reveal how planets gain and lose elements

Volatile bodies: Isotopic fingerprints reveal how planets gain and lose elements

Scientists detect world’s lightest magnesium

Scientists detect world’s lightest magnesium

MSN News: Scientists create never-before-seen isotope of magnesium

MSN News: Scientists create never-before-seen isotope of magnesium

Vacuum-Sealed Container From 1972 Moon Landing Will Finally Be Opened

Vacuum-Sealed Container From 1972 Moon Landing Will Finally Be Opened

UPI: NASA's eventual farewell to tiny Mars helicopter could be emotional

UPI: NASA's eventual farewell to tiny Mars helicopter could be emotional

Expanding the X-ray view of the universe

Expanding the X-ray view of the universe

Sachiko Amari won a $973,810 award from NASA

Sachiko Amari won a $973,810 award from NASA

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

Inverse: Chinese rover spots a

Inverse: Chinese rover spots a "Moon cube," and opens a new lunar mystery

A river runs through it

A river runs through it Strange 'eggshell' exoplanets may have ultra-smooth surfaces Strange 'eggshell' exoplanets may have ultra-smooth surfaces

Nowak wins grants from NASA, Smithsonian observatory

Nowak wins grants from NASA, Smithsonian observatory

Buckley earns grant for astronomical monitoring

Buckley earns grant for astronomical monitoring

Tread lightly: ‘Eggshell planets’ possible around other stars

Tread lightly: ‘Eggshell planets’ possible around other stars

Science research roundup: October 2021

Science research roundup: October 2021

National Geographic: Deepest earthquake ever detected struck 467 miles beneath Japan

National Geographic: Deepest earthquake ever detected struck 467 miles beneath Japan

Business Insider: China brought Moon samples from ancient volcanic eruptions

Business Insider: China brought Moon samples from ancient volcanic eruptions

Hands-on learning to help the planet

Hands-on learning to help the planet

Forbes: ESA’s BepiColombo orbiters fire up instruments on first Mercury flyby

Forbes: ESA’s BepiColombo orbiters fire up instruments on first Mercury flyby

Stellar fossils in meteorites point to distant stars

Stellar fossils in meteorites point to distant stars Moon rocks brought to Earth by Chinese mission fill key gaps in solar system history Moon rocks brought to Earth by Chinese mission fill key gaps in solar system history

Chang’e-5 samples reveal key age of moon rocks

Chang’e-5 samples reveal key age of moon rocks

National Geographic: Hellish Venus poses many mysteries. New spacecraft aim to solve them.

National Geographic: Hellish Venus poses many mysteries. New spacecraft aim to solve them.

Science research roundup: September 2021

Science research roundup: September 2021

$11.8 million award renews planetary geosciences data effort

$11.8 million award renews planetary geosciences data effort

NPR: Mars had liquid water on its surface. Here's why scientists think it vanished.

NPR: Mars had liquid water on its surface. Here's why scientists think it vanished.

Forbes: Martian blues: Did planet's size affect its ability to hold onto water?

Forbes: Martian blues: Did planet's size affect its ability to hold onto water?

Time: Mars was always destined to die

Time: Mars was always destined to die

Mars habitability limited by its small size, isotope study suggests

Mars habitability limited by its small size, isotope study suggests

Faculty Search: Assistant Professor in Astromaterials, Solar System, and Planetary System Formation

Faculty Search: Assistant Professor in Astromaterials, Solar System, and Planetary System Formation

XL-Calibur telescope to examine the most extreme objects in the universe: black holes and neutron stars

XL-Calibur telescope to examine the most extreme objects in the universe: black holes and neutron stars

Science Focus: Pluto should be our ninth planet. A planetary scientist explains why.

Science Focus: Pluto should be our ninth planet. A planetary scientist explains why.

IMSE acquires new facility for fabricating nanomaterials

IMSE acquires new facility for fabricating nanomaterials

Scientific American: Success! Perseverance Mars rover finally collects its first rock core

Scientific American: Success! Perseverance Mars rover finally collects its first rock core

Welcome to WashU: Paul Byrne

Welcome to WashU: Paul Byrne

Catalano awarded $2.25 million for investigation of critical elements

Catalano awarded $2.25 million for investigation of critical elements Venus and a newly discovered comet will cross paths in December. Will sparks fly? Venus and a newly discovered comet will cross paths in December. Will sparks fly?

Science research roundup: August 2021

Science research roundup: August 2021

Kelton awarded $1.46 million to study nucleation in microgravity environment

Kelton awarded $1.46 million to study nucleation in microgravity environment

Universe Today: Watch 14 hours of Enceladus geyser action

Universe Today: Watch 14 hours of Enceladus geyser action

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Muddied waters: Sinking organics alter seafloor records

Muddied waters: Sinking organics alter seafloor records

UPI: NASA studies bigger, better Mars helicopter

UPI: NASA studies bigger, better Mars helicopter

Sculpted by starlight: A meteorite witness to the solar system’s birth

Sculpted by starlight: A meteorite witness to the solar system’s birth

Rauch’s cosmic ray research probes origins of matter in the Milky Way

Rauch’s cosmic ray research probes origins of matter in the Milky Way

Analysis of pristine samples of the Moon

Analysis of pristine samples of the Moon

Buckley awarded $4.9 million to develop gamma ray astronomy mission

Buckley awarded $4.9 million to develop gamma ray astronomy mission

Physicist Nagy to lead next-gen balloon mission

Physicist Nagy to lead next-gen balloon mission

Israel retiring

Israel retiring

Piarulli receives early-career research award

Piarulli receives early-career research award

Krawczynski and Nagy receive NASA funding

Krawczynski and Nagy receive NASA funding

Randy Korotev and the Geochemistry of Moon Rocks

Randy Korotev and the Geochemistry of Moon Rocks

Michael Friedlander, 1928-2021

Michael Friedlander, 1928-2021

Skemer promoted to full professor

Skemer promoted to full professor

Nowak, collaborators share new observations of famous black hole

Nowak, collaborators share new observations of famous black hole

Gillis-Davis promoted to research full professor

Gillis-Davis promoted to research full professor

Highlands hunt for climate answers

Highlands hunt for climate answers

The Science of Fiction: Where in the galaxy will we mine lithium?

The Science of Fiction: Where in the galaxy will we mine lithium?

Jeff Gillis-Davis has pioneered a new method for laser space weathering

Jeff Gillis-Davis has pioneered a new method for laser space weathering

Celebrating women geoscientists

Celebrating women geoscientists

What’s in a name – on Mars?

What’s in a name – on Mars?

Washington University to develop lunar resource utilization technology for NASA

Washington University to develop lunar resource utilization technology for NASA

When using pyrite to understand Earth’s ocean and atmosphere: Think local, not global

When using pyrite to understand Earth’s ocean and atmosphere: Think local, not global

Pablo Sobron interviewed on St. Louis Public Radio

Pablo Sobron interviewed on St. Louis Public Radio

CNN interviews Ray Arvidson about Perseverance rover [video]

CNN interviews Ray Arvidson about Perseverance rover [video]

Rita Parai investigates the origins of volatiles on planetary bodies

Rita Parai investigates the origins of volatiles on planetary bodies

Amari receives Urey Award for career in cosmochemistry

Amari receives Urey Award for career in cosmochemistry

Conference roundup: AGU 2020

Conference roundup: AGU 2020

Jim Mertens recently joined the Department of Physics

Jim Mertens recently joined the Department of Physics

NASA grant awarded to Henric Krawczynski

NASA grant awarded to Henric Krawczynski

Nowak awarded a NASA grant

Nowak awarded a NASA grant

Gravitational waves probe exotic matter inside neutron stars

Gravitational waves probe exotic matter inside neutron stars

Science finds a way: Research adaptations during the pandemic

Science finds a way: Research adaptations during the pandemic

WashU Expert: China probe returns with ‘treasure trove’ of moon rocks

WashU Expert: China probe returns with ‘treasure trove’ of moon rocks

Powerful electrical events quickly alter surface chemistry on Mars and other planetary bodies

Powerful electrical events quickly alter surface chemistry on Mars and other planetary bodies

McKinnon honored by American Geophysical Union

McKinnon honored by American Geophysical Union

Glimpsing the unseeable physics of a black hole

Glimpsing the unseeable physics of a black hole

Space News: Chang’e-5 successfully lands on moon to collect youngest lunar samples

Space News: Chang’e-5 successfully lands on moon to collect youngest lunar samples

Highlight of McDonnell Center Postdoc, Piers Koefoed

Highlight of McDonnell Center Postdoc, Piers Koefoed

Field notes: Making it work

Field notes: Making it work

Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Solving for nuclear structure in light nuclei

Solving for nuclear structure in light nuclei

Jeffrey Gillis-Davis won a NASA grant

Jeffrey Gillis-Davis won a NASA grant

Discover Magazine: Earth is pulsating every 26 seconds, and seismologists don't agree why

Discover Magazine: Earth is pulsating every 26 seconds, and seismologists don't agree why

A conversation with two award-winning women in space science

A conversation with two award-winning women in space science

Johanna Nagy joins Department of Physics

Johanna Nagy joins Department of Physics

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

Looking to the future of the space sciences

Looking to the future of the space sciences

Welcome to WashU: Claire Masteller

Welcome to WashU: Claire Masteller

Dr. Gillis-Davis explains the science and exploration value of ice deposits at the Moon’s poles

Dr. Gillis-Davis explains the science and exploration value of ice deposits at the Moon’s poles

The path to the Packard: Bronwen Konecky pushes the envelope in climate research

The path to the Packard: Bronwen Konecky pushes the envelope in climate research

Investigating water ice, space weathering on the Moon

Investigating water ice, space weathering on the Moon

Almost Forgotten Anniversaries in 2019

Almost Forgotten Anniversaries in 2019

Kip Thorne explores the warped side of the universe

Kip Thorne explores the warped side of the universe

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Willem Dickhoff received an NSF grant

Willem Dickhoff received an NSF grant

Brad Jolliff describes the scientific legacy of the Apollo program

Brad Jolliff describes the scientific legacy of the Apollo program

Astrid Holzheid, McDonnell Center Visiting Professor

Astrid Holzheid, McDonnell Center Visiting Professor

Ray Arvidson and other notable St. Louisans remember 1969 moon landing

Ray Arvidson and other notable St. Louisans remember 1969 moon landing

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Electricity in Martian dust storms helps to form perchlorates

Electricity in Martian dust storms helps to form perchlorates

Obituary: Christine Floss, research professor in physics, 56

Obituary: Christine Floss, research professor in physics, 56

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Special Delivery

Wiens installed as the Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor

Wiens installed as the Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor

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