Past Lectures
April 2025
Formation of the First Black Holes | Priyamvada Natarajan, Yale University
Unveiling the Invisible Universe with the James Webb Space Telescope | Priyamvada Natarajan, Yale University
March 2024
Exploring the Axion-Sector with X-ray Astronomy | Professor Christopher Reynolds, University of Maryland College Park
The “What, How, Where and When” of Supermassive Black Holes | Professor Christopher Reynolds, University of Maryland College Park
March 2023
Can Collisions Create Earth's Isotopic Cousin? | Professor Sarah T. Stewart, University of California, Davis
Rewriting the Creation Story for the Earth and Moon | Professor Sarah T. Stewart, University of California, Davis
March 2022
Fast Radio Bursts | Professor Victoria Kaspi, McGill University
The Fast Radio Sky | Professor Victoria Kaspi, McGill University
March 2021
Dark Matter in the Universe | Professor Katherine Freese, The University of Texas at Austin
The Dark Side of the Universe | Professor Katherine Freese, The University of Texas at Austin
March 2019
Falling dominoes: Ice sheets and sea level | Professor Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State University
Finding the good news on energy and environment | Professor Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State University
March 2018
The Precarious Present - Is Global Warming Inhibiting an Incipient Ice Age? | Professor George Philander, Princeton University
The Hedgehog and the Fox - A Nelson Mandela Perspective on Global Warming | Professor George Philander, Princeton University
March 2017
Geology Never Sleeps: Lessons from the Geological Exploration of the Pluto System | Professor William B. McKinnon, Washington University in St. Louis
Pluto Explored! NASA's Epic Voyage to the Edge of the Solar System | Professor William B. McKinnon, Washington University in St. Louis
March 2016
Models for Compositional Variations in the Murray Formation Mudstone, Gale Crater, Mars | John P. Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology
A Habitable Environment in the Gale Crater on Mars | John P. Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology
April 2015
Mercury ain't the Moon: Results from the MESSENGER mission | Roger J. Phillips, Institute Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder CO; Director Emeritus, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
No Denying Climate Change on Mars | Roger J. Phillips, Institute Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder CO; Director Emeritus, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
March 2014
The origin of Earth's volatiles | Professor Alex Halliday, FRS, University of Oxford
The Origin of the Earth and Moon | Professor Alex Halliday, FRS, University of Oxford
April 2013
Constraints on Grain Formation Around Carbon Stars From Laboratory Studies of Presolar Graphite | Professor Thomas J. Bernatowicz, Washington University in St. Louis
Stardust in the Laboratory | Professor Thomas J. Bernatowicz, Washington University in St. Louis
April 2012
Black Holes, Waves of Gravity, and other Warped Ideas of Dr. Einstein | Clifford Will, James S. McDonnell Professor of Space Sciences
Testing General Relativity in the Strong-Field Dynamical Regime | Clifford Will, James S. McDonnell Professor of Space Sciences
March 2011
Mysteries of the Dark Universe | Rocky Kolb, Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Taking Sides on Dark Energy | Rocky Kolb, Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics
April 2010
The Promise and Challenge of Detecting Gravitational Waves From Space | Bernard Schutz, Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Gravitational Waves: Listening to the Music of the Spheres | Bernard Schutz, Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
April 2009
Finding the Big Bang | P. James E. Peebles, Albert Einstein Professor of Science Emeritus, Princeton University
Establishing the Big Bang | P. James E. Peebles, Albert Einstein Professor of Science Emeritus, Princeton University
March 2008
The James Webb Space Telescope: A Window to the Past | Kathryn Flanagan, Senior Scientist and Head of James Webb Space Telescope Mission Office, Space Telescope Science Institute
X-Ray Astronomy with the Naked Eye: The Chandra High Resolution Spectrum of SNR 1E0102-72 | Kathryn Flanagan, Senior Scientist and Head of James Webb Space Telescope Mission Office, Space Telescope Science Institute
March 2007
The MESSENGER Mission to Mercury | Sean C. Solomon, Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington
The Impact of Roger on Mars as a Codger: The Geophysical Evolution of Early Mars | Sean C. Solomon, Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington
April 2006
The Accelerating Universe: Einstein’s Blunder Undone | Robert P. Kirshner, Harvard College Professor of Astronomy and Clowes Professor of Science, Harvard University
April 2004
The Stardust Mission | Donald Brownlee, Professor of Astronomy, University of Washington
April 2003
Outer space is our window on the earliest moments of creation. In the beginning… | Michael S. Turner, Bruce V. & Diana M. Rauner Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics, University of Chicago
April 2002
"Extraterrestrial Life? So what?" | Bruce Jakosky, Director, University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology