Back Results for: Awards and Notables
Bhupal Dev awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship

Bhupal Dev awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship

Washington University Physics Research Symposium (WUPRS) Celebrates Sixth Year of Collaboration and Innovation

Washington University Physics Research Symposium (WUPRS) Celebrates Sixth Year of Collaboration and Innovation

Recognizing outstanding faculty and staff

Recognizing outstanding faculty and staff

Nowak named Associate Director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences

Nowak named Associate Director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences

Collado named an Astronaut Scholar

Collado named an Astronaut Scholar

Recognizing graduate student excellence in research, teaching

Recognizing graduate student excellence in research, teaching

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

Piarulli promoted with tenure

Piarulli promoted with tenure

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Krawczynski installed as Wilfred R. and Ann Lee Konneker Distinguished Professor of Physics

Krawczynski installed as Wilfred R. and Ann Lee Konneker Distinguished Professor of Physics

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

Fallon awarded the Baines Family Planetary Science Scholarship

Fallon awarded the Baines Family Planetary Science Scholarship

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Nicole Rodriguez Cavero's project approved for funding by the John Templeton Foundation

Nicole Rodriguez Cavero's project approved for funding by the John Templeton Foundation

McKinnon elected to National Academy of Sciences

McKinnon elected to National Academy of Sciences

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

Science research roundup: November and December 2022

Science research roundup: November and December 2022

Mars Investigator Celebrates His 50-Year Career Exploring Mars

Mars Investigator Celebrates His 50-Year Career Exploring Mars

Science research roundup: September 2022

Science research roundup: September 2022

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

TIGERISS roars toward space station spot

TIGERISS roars toward space station spot

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

Science research roundup: June 2022

Science research roundup: June 2022

Undergraduate research presentations and senior awards ceremony

Undergraduate research presentations and senior awards ceremony

Science research roundup: April 2022

Science research roundup: April 2022

Lorenzo Andreoli selected for URA Visiting Scholars Program

Lorenzo Andreoli selected for URA Visiting Scholars Program

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Science research roundup: February 2022

Science research roundup: February 2022

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Experiencing architecture in augmented reality

Experiencing architecture in augmented reality

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

A lasting impact on WashU seismology

A lasting impact on WashU seismology

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

New program offers undergraduate research experiences in rock deformation

New program offers undergraduate research experiences in rock deformation

Korotev selected for Meteoritical Society's 2022 Service Award

Korotev selected for Meteoritical Society's 2022 Service Award

From the Himalayas to Mars

From the Himalayas to Mars

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Science research roundup: May and June 2021

Science research roundup: May and June 2021

Buckley awarded $4.9 million to develop gamma ray astronomy mission

Buckley awarded $4.9 million to develop gamma ray astronomy mission

WU Rocketry Team wins several awards at 2021 NASA Student Launch

WU Rocketry Team wins several awards at 2021 NASA Student Launch

Israel retiring

Israel retiring

WU Rocketry Team celebrates successful launch

WU Rocketry Team celebrates successful launch

A rising star in physics

A rising star in physics

Science research roundup: February 2021

Science research roundup: February 2021

Erin Barillier receives Baines Family Planetary Science Scholarship

Erin Barillier receives Baines Family Planetary Science Scholarship

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

Pastore awarded grant from DOE

Pastore awarded grant from DOE

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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