
Graduate Students
One of the greatest strengths of the McDonnell Center is the vast scope of research opportunities available to the graduate students. From the very beginning of joining the program at Washington University, the students are encouraged to join a research group.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students that may be considering graduate school are encouraged to participate in the Summer Intern Program. Faculty members of the McDonnell Center guide the student on a specific project during the summer. The hours and summer term are flexible and the scope of research topics is very broad.
Recent research topics have included:
- Rubidium isotopic composition of Mars: implication for the origin of volatile loss during planetary accretion - Judy Zhang (Kun Wang) - Judy presented her research at the 2022 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference!
- Cryogenic Testbed Commissioning for Cosmic Microwave Background Telescopes - Angelina Minocha (Johanna Nagy)
- Machine Learning Techniques to Examine Cosmological Magnetic Field Helicity - Paul Paller (Francesc Ferrer)
If you are interested in applying for a summer research position, please contact McDonnell Center faculty members or the Director.