Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter in the Microprobe and XRD Facility Specialist for Earth & Planetary Sciences here at Washington University.
Paul Carpenter was one of the leaders of the recent Microscopy and Microanalysis 2008 Meeting and Expo in Albuquerque, NM. Paul, who is past president of the Microbeam Analysis Society (MAS, 2004) and who currently serves as the Committee Chair for Strategic Planning, was MAS co-chair for the M&M 2008 scientific program. Paul also gave four presentations during the week:
- Problem solving in Electron-probe Microanalysis: Application of Software Tools (invited)
- Tutorial on Electron-Probe Microanalysis (EPMA): An Overview for Beginners and a Status Report for Experts (invited)
- A Tribute to the Life and Work of Eugene Jarosewich (invited)
- EPMA Standards: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (this one was fun!)
Paul also co-chaired three sessions on Problem Solving Using Microanalytical Techniques (his co-chair was Dan Kremser [PhD E&PS, 1982]).
Paul was also co-author on several abstracts/presentations, including
- Zeigler, Carpenter, Jolliff, & Korotev, Trace-element analyses in lunar meteorite Sayh al Uhaymir 169.
- Jolliff, Zeigler, Carpenter, Korotev, Vicenzi, & Davis, X-ray mapping analyses of lunar meteorite Dhofar 961: Characterization and origin of the mafic impact-melt component.
Paul's efforts at this meeting and through MAS activities, as well as his teaching at the Lehigh Microscopy School and the high quality of analyses being generated in our new electron microprobe lab are setting a high standard and making our E-Probe facility and capabilities among the best in the country.