2024 Robert M. Walker Distinguished Lectures: Public Lecture with Harold Levison on Traveling with Lucy on the First Ever Mission to the Trojan Asteroids!
Harold Levison, Institute Scientist, Southwest Research Institute and Principal Investigator of the Lucy mission to tour Jupiter Trojans, will present the 2024 Robert M. Walker Distinguished Lectures, Public Lecture: "Traveling with Lucy on the First Ever Mission to the Trojan Asteroids!"

Dr. Levison’s principal research interests lie in the dynamics of astronomical objects. In particular, he focuses on the formation and long-term behavior of solar system bodies. Dr. Levison's work includes studies of the formation of both giant and terrestrial planets, the long-term dynamical behavior of comets, the dynamics of objects in the Kuiper belt, the origin and stability of Trojan asteroids, and the formation of satellites.