New Major in Astrophysics
New Major in Astrophysics

New Major in Astrophysics

The Department of Physics added a new astrophysics major this year, in addition to the pre-existing astrophysics minor.

The physics and astrophysics majors are similar in foundational courses, but the latter path requires introductory and upper-level courses that focus on astrophysics.

The astrophysics major was first brought forward by the Washington University chapter of the Society of Physics Students, an undergraduate body here on campus. This group, along with the relevant faculty, helped design the major and its necessary curriculum.

Francesc Ferrer, director of undergraduate studies in the physics department, says that the department expects the astrophysics major to attract a more diverse pool of students. He also states that the department has one of the strongest astrophysics research programs in the country, and “with the forthcoming powerful observational facilities, the following years are expected to be particularly exciting for astrophysics.”

More new academic offerings for undergraduates.