Fall 2023 Student Awards

Fall 2023 Student Awards

Fall 2023 Student Awards

At the final colloquium of the fall semester on December 07, 2023, the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences presented undergraduate and graduate awards to four students.

The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences proudly awarded the 2023 Hal Levin Award, Carl Tolman Prize, and a winning prize and honorable mention for the Graduate Student Outstanding Paper.

Sophie Dorosin won this year’s Harold Levin award. The Harold Levin Award is for undergraduate students who have done outstanding jobs as assistants to the instructor. Professor Levin was a paleontologist who specialized in the study of microscopic fossils as indicators of environmental conditions during deposition of sedimentary rocks. He was an outstanding teacher at all levels, ensuring through dynamic lectures and discussions that students remained engaged in his courses.

Andrew Flaim won this year's Carl Tolman Prize. The Tolman Prize is awarded annually to a graduate student who has done an outstanding job as assistant to the instructor. Professor Tolman was a long-time professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. He also served as chancellor of WashU. As a geologist, Tolman conducted pioneering work on the geology of the Precambrian granitic rocks exposed in the St. Francois Mountains in southern Missouri. He was a caring and thoughtful teacher and mentor who was particularly interested in helping students achieve their career goals.

Rebecca Hahn was given the Graduate Student Outstanding Paper Award for her paper titled “A Morphological and Spatial Analysis of Volcanoes on Venus” published in March of this year in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets. 

Greg Ledingham was given an honorable mention for his paper “Exchange of Adsorbed Pb(II) at the Rutile Surface: Rates and Mechanisms” published in Environmental Science and Technology. 

We applaud this year's outstanding honorees!