Experimental, Observational and Theoretical Astrophysics

Astrophysics research includes the detection and origin of galactic cosmic rays, X-rays, and gamma-rays, direct and indirect searches for dark matter, theoretical and observational studies of high-energy and transient phenomena, tests of the standard model of particle physics and physics beyond the standard model, cosmology, and plasma astrophysics. Results include the detection of the 60Fe nucleosynthesis-clock isotope in galactic cosmic rays based on ACE-CRIS observations, the first constraints on the hard X-ray polarization of the accreting neutron star GX 301-2 with the X-Calibur hard X-ray polarimetry mission, detailed information about the temporal and spectral properties of the presumed neutrino bright blazar TXS 0506+056 with VERITAS, and extremely sensitive tests of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle.    

Mark Alford
Nuclear Astrophysics,  Quark Matter,  Quantum Chromodynamics

Jim Buckley
High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy

Alex Chen
Plasma astrophysics, pulsars, magnetars, axion

Ramanath Cowsik
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Non-accelerator Particle Physics, Dark Matter

Tansu Daylan
Exoplanets and dark matter

Bhupal Dev
Particle Astrophysics

Wim Dickhoff
Nuclear Matter, Pairing in Neutron Stars

Manel Errando
High Energy Astrophysics

Bruce Fegley
Planetary Chemistry, Cosmochemistry

Francesc Ferrer
Cosmology beyond the standard model

Jonathan Katz
Fast Radio Bursts

Henric Krawczynski 
Space-Borne X-Ray & Gamma Ray Astronomy

Katharina Lodders
Astronomy, Cosmochemistry, Planetary Chemistry

Michael Nowak 
High Energy Astrophysics, Black Holes & Neutron Stars

Saori Pastore
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

Brian Rauch 
Cosmic Ray Composition & Astroparticle Observations

Barbara Shrauner
Space Plasmas, Plasma Theory

Yajie Yuan
Fast Radio Bursts, Black Holes, Neutron Stars, High Energy Astrophysics