Astrophysics Seminar with James Lyons on Isotopes in Atmospheres

Astrophysics Seminar with James Lyons on Isotopes in Atmospheres

James Lyons (Hosted by Ogliore) from Arizona State University will be presenting the seminar "Isotopes in Atmospheres"

The stable isotopes of H, C, N, O and S are invaluable tools for investigating a variety of atmospheric processes. For ancient Earth we use S isotopes as a proxy for the rise of atmospheric O2. For Venus and Mars we use H isotopes as a measure of the loss of water over time. In this talk, I will focus on N and S isotopes in the atmosphere of Earth, and, defining 'atmosphere' broadly, I will also discuss N isotopes in the solar nebula. I will present the talk in 3 parts. Part 1: An N2 self-shielding origin for the massive enrichment of 15N in the inner solar system: Yea or nay? Part 2: A laboratory experiment to explore N isotope fractionation in Earth's thermosphere. Part 3: Some thoughts on the origin of sulfur isotope fractionation on ancient Earth. By necessity, these topics will focus on one particular aspect of the problem, rather than a complete overview of each topic.

Sponsored by the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences.